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An extremely scientific study of the relationship between

beer consumption and living wages across the world. 

The National Minimum Wage across the World

Beer consumption

The UK has recently increased the national minimum wage for employees aged 25 or more, becoming the top European country in terms of minimum salary workers can receive.





The Czech Republic led all other nations in per-capita beer consumption for the 20th consecutive year. 

(Beer consumption per capita is the number of liters consumed within a year by one person)

UK ranks first in Europe, second in the world

for minimum living wage value

Is there a correlation between the living wage and beer consumption? 

In Australia and Netherlands there appears to be a direct correlation between the two factors: higher wages correspond to higher amount of beer consumed.


 Is there a correlation between the national living wage and how well trained the workforce is? 


 So... is there a relation between investment in training and beer consumption? 


France, Belgium and USA are the top countries in terms of investing in their workforce, whereas UK businesses invest much less in training.


Brits prefer spending money on drinking beer!




 An adult Brit now earns at least £7.20 per hour 


Beer Consumption per Capita


National Living Wage vs Beer Consumption

Interestingly, the Czech Republic has the lowest living wage, but the highest beer consumption per capita. In France, on the other hand people earn among the highest wages, but they tend to drink much less beer, preferring wine instead. 

National Living Wage

While British workers spend a good amount of money on beer, British employers invest very little money in training the workforce, especially when taking into account the national living wages paid.


National Living Wage vs Investment in Training
